I have talked about my dear grandma Bluma many times so I wanted to share some photos I found of her while I was visiting San Diego. She is the inspiration for Advanced Style and the reason why I feel so close to older people. She always nurtured my creativity and allowed me the freedom to be artistic.We would spend hours watching cartoons and old movies together, as she clicked her heels together and told me stories of days gone by. One of my favorite treats was to look through her drawers where she stashed her old scrapbooks and photo albums. This is where I established my sense of aesthetics, even then I had a sense of nostalgia and yearning for the glamour and grace of times gone by. She was an amazing woman and not a day goes by where I don't think of her. I hope you enjoy these photos and I would love to hear about your own wonderful grandparents or older people in your lives.
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