American Vintage

My mom and I were walking in Trastevere when we noticed these dapper gentlemen enjoying a drink at a cafe. I asked them if I could take their photograph and they said yes as long as they didn't have to stand up. I snapped away one as of the gentleman, author Peter Berling, helped his friend light a pipe. I hope to one day have half as much style as these two smartly dressed fellows.

Before went on on our way, my mom remarked that she loved how beautifully they were dressed. The man smoking his pipe replied, "It's American Vintage." After we walked away I noticed this gorgeous vintage Fiat. I thought about how the color and design could serve as inspiration for one's personal style, fashion and industrial design projects.

I am teaching a seminar at IED Roma about Advanced Style this week. Today I gave my class an assignment to find visual inspiration on the streets of Rome. They broke into groups in search of stylish older people, who they photographed and interviewed for blogs which will they present at the end of the week. The goal was to broaden our ideas about style and design and focus on things that might otherwise be taken for granted. We talked about how color and texture, as seen in architecture, clothing, and nature can inspire both fashion and interior design. I wanted the students to think about how and why they chose to focus on certain people or objects,analyze their process of editing, and realize that our individual points of view and perspectives are what make us unique in valued in creative fields. Today was all about seeing and documenting. Tomorrow we will have some great interviews with some well known Italian women. I can't wait to share everyone's final projects!

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