Fight Invisibility

Last night I had my final book signing at The American Book Center in Amsterdam. In the last two months I have traveled from Geneva back to New York, to London, Glasgow, Paris and now Amsterdam. I am overwhelmed by the amazing feedback I have received from people who have purchased my book. Thank you to everyone who I have met, who has told me how much The Advanced Style Ladies mean to you.

I started the blog in order to change people's perception of aging and show that there is much fun to be had once you reach 80, 90 and 100 years old. Women often tell me that after 40 they have started to feel invisible. Throughout the last two months young girls have reached out to tell me that they look forward to growing old like the Advanced Style Ladies. Older women have commented that my photos have given them the permission to dress up and feel good about themselves. I am so grateful for the impact the book is having on everyone and have to give credit to my own incredible grandmothers. I know the ladies and gentleman that I meet have surely changed my perspective on aging and given me something to look forward to.

Let's all work together and continue to FIGHT INVISIBILITY .

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